A map of California with UC-AFT Local 1474 on it. It is white text and art on a dark blue background.

Meet your Bargaining Team

we asked your 2023 bargaining team what their biggest hopes for the new contract were. 


photograph of kendra levine

“A contract that makes UC Libraries affordable and equitable places to work”

Kendra K. Levine
UCB, transportation librarian

photograph of I Wei Wang

“Meaningful recognition of the academic and professional status of librarians, including recognition of the role of librarians in advancing the research, teaching, equity, diversity, and inclusion goals and missions of the university.”

I-Wei Wang
UCB School of Law, Reference Librarian

photograph of carla arbagey

“I’m hoping for salary increases at all levels and strengthening of our academic status”

Carla Arbagey
UCR, Arts & Humanities Collection Strategist Librarian

“Improve conditions for remote work. Make some improvements to the peer review process.”

Miki Goral
UCLA, Reference & Instruction Librarian

photograph of tim vollmer

“Together we will win key improvements to our working conditions (including better wages and benefits) and protect and promote librarians as crucial members of the UC academic community. We will organize to build power and become stronger as a collective unit.”

Tim Vollmer
UCB, Scholarly Communications & Copyright Librarian

photograph of jess waggoner

“I’m hoping that our members see us representing and advocating for what is most important to them.”

Jess Waggoner
UCSC, User Experience Librarian

To deliver the best contract that represents the will of the membership. 

Michael Yonezawa
UCR, Social Sciences Teaching Librarian

“I hope to see improved contract language relating to investigatory leave, medical leave, workload, and uniform language for review actions. I also hope to see adjustments in our salary scale to ensure successful recruitment and retention of excellent librarians”

Kristen LaBonte
UCSB, Research & Instruction Librarian